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February 12, 2020

Writer: Pastor ChrisPastor Chris

I thoroughly enjoy writing the devotionals for you in these prayer emails each week, but there are many people in our congregation who also are gifted writers with spiritual wisdom to share. So from time to time in 2020, I will ask people from our congregation write these devotionals. This week's reflection is written by Dorothy Kurlander.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Chris

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). The most complete darkness I have ever experienced was in a crystal cave in Glenwood Springs on a guided tour. Deep in the caverns, the guide turned off the lights. I was overwhelmed by the loss of all light, standing frozen in the penetrating blackness. Expressions of relief were shared when the lights were turned back on.

My Christian life once functioned in such darkness and fear without the constant presence of the Holy Spirit. Fear raised its ugly head every time I faced a change that challenged my abilities. A hollow feeling in my stomach became a familiar sensation with each challenge. We all deal with adversities that come like waves into our lives, but my Christian friends fared better in dealing with them than I. I questioned them, seeking to "get what they had". All I heard was "read your Bible and pray every day". And that's when a deep and urgent need developed in me to really know the Jesus who shared their daily lives and lit their way. I grew up knowing Jesus as my Savior. But now He was my daily companion and councilor. What started out as prayer became a dialog through the day helping me cope with the dark places in my life. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light on my path" (Psalm 119:105), shining only one step ahead, trusting in God's promises. I traded worry for trust in Him; darkness for the Light of the World.

Dorothy Kurlander


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